Welcome to our ps2 cheats page where you can checkout the latest cheats. Cheat Codes for Star Wars: Force Unleashed. If there is a record of star wars the force unleashed on your game terminal, entering the game will automatically unlock the Jedi robe, the Sith tracker armor and the Sith training suit of the first generation master foot. Cheat Codes for Star Wars: Force Unleashed Action Replay MAX. SPECFORCE Resistance Army Captain’s Costume The costume of the clone assassin in the dark ending LIBO Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing) White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom) Enter 'SOLARI' as a code to unlock the White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom), which. Enter 'MAREK' as a code to unlock Force Repulse. The Star Wars saga takes a dark turn in this third-person actioner, which takes place between the trilogies and casts you as Darth Vader's secret apprentice. (supplied by: JesiahCarver) Force Repulse. Enter any of the following cheat codes for the desired effect.
Pause the game menu Options => Cheat Codes enter the following: Star wars: the force unleashed 2 cheats, cheat codes & hints.